Thursday, September 9, 2010

Home Education Highlights ~ Week 2

Last week as I was planning preschool for my 4 year old daughter, I realized that this blog can be a very useful tool for me as a home educator.  In the middle of searching for activities and plans for our preschool lessons, I caught myself thinking that I needed to write this down so I could remember what we did when my 2 year old son is in preschool!  Right about that time I realized that I do write it down!  Right here on our blog.  It was a light bulb moment for me.  :) 

I plan to share each week what we’ve been learning in our home school.  I’m a bit behind so this is actually from week 2 of our school.  Tomorrow, week 3 should be up and ready to view. 


We have been homeschooling for 6 years and each year I find that the first two weeks are the hardest.  Our family is trying to get back into a schedule after a relaxed summer.  Usually everyone is not as willing to get back into that structured routine. 

Last week as we were having some tough days, I decided to take the kids outside for school one day.  They all sat and worked on their independent work and I read from our Sonlight read alouds.  Our toddler ran around and played here and there.  Every once in a while, he would sit on the quilt and do his work too.


We usually ease back into school.  Instead of jumping back into all of the subjects, we start with a few and add two or more subjects at a time over the next few weeks.  Last week, we were doing all subjects except for writing and science.  We all were looking forward to science starting.  We love science!


My older boys have always loved history but they are really loving Sonlight this year.  I wish that we had started this before now.  We are all learning so much from the books.  It is truly a great program and we give it two thumbs up!  This week we were learning about Native Americans and Christopher Columbus. 


One day, we met some friends at the park for a little bit of “socialization”.  :)  We are trying to make a point to get out to more park days and field trips this year. 



Rock climbing is P.E., right?  :)

I hope that your school is off to a good start too!

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