Monday, February 14, 2011

A daybook for Valentine’s Day ~


February 14, 2011 002 Heart shaped pancakes cooking for breakfast

Outside my window

Beautiful!  As I write this, I am sitting outside while the kids are running around and playing in the beautiful 70 degree weather.

 I am listening to

The sounds of kids playing, the neighbor’s saw buzzing, and the dryer humming. 

I am wearing

 Dark jeans, a purple tee, and my tennis shoes.  The hair is back in a pony tail and I didn’t even get makeup on today.  Good thing my Valentine loves me even when I’m not at my finest.  :smile:

February 14, 2011 007 A little time on the Wii before school.  Trust me…that is a big Valentine treat for the kids.  Plus it was golf or some other sport.  That’s PE, right?  {wink}

I am so grateful for

Unexpected blessings that seem to flow into my life on a daily basis.  I am always amazed and very grateful for these blessings.  God is good…

I am pondering

This weekend we watched the movie, Food, Inc.  Even though I had read many things on the food industry in America, watching it in picture form was just really…disturbing.  It has left David, my older boys, and me with many thoughts about changes that need to be made. 

I am reading

I’m really not reading much though I do have a few books lying around here and there.  I pick them up and read a little when I have a little time which is not very often.  My mom just bought the book Home Preserving for me.  I’ve been reading bits and pieces of it.  The section on salsas has me thinking that our garden will have lots of tomatoes and peppers this summer!

February 14, 2011 020  A red and pink lunch of spaghetti, strawberry/banana smoothies, and carrots.  Ok, so there’s a little orange in there too! 

I am thinking

 About a sweet, heart-warming conversation that I had with one of my children.  We will continue this conversation tonight when it is quieter and we can have a little one-on-one time. 

I am creating

Other than plans, I haven’t created much of anything.  The cloth napkins that I started a few weeks ago are still sitting on my sewing machine waiting for me to return to finish them. 

In the school room

 School is back in session now that the family is all well again.  I’ve been thinking quite a bit about next year too.  I can not believe that we will have children in eighth, sixth, and third grades…and a Kindergartner!  (Plus a three-year-old who likes to do school with his big sister.)

I am hoping

 to spend some time outside working in the yard & garden this week. 

February 14, 2011 024 Baby Boy loves smoothies.  Apparently, he loves spaghetti too.  {smile}

I am praying

~for my brother-in-law, Scott, and his family as he faces deployment soon.

~for my friend who has pneumonia and her family.  They have all been very sick with the flu.

Around the house

 This has been my biggest area of creating lately as I am making many plans.  Our future holds painting, a new privacy fence in a portion of our back yard, and hopefully some new flooring.  I am so excited to spruce up our little white house.  I’ve also been creating new organizational plans to tame the chaos in our home. 

In the kitchen

Tuesdays will now be Kitchen Day for our little white house.  Since it is a day that I rarely have a lot of outside distractions, I figured it would be a good day to get some cooking done to make the other days easier.  Typing this has reminded me that I need to pull some items out of the freezer for tomorrow! 

February 14, 2011 033 We spent the afternoon outside in the beautiful sunshine.

In the garden

Today there is a fallen tree across the garden.  We are planning to cut it tonight and get it out of the way.  Tomorrow I’m hoping that I’ll be planting English peas, snow peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce, and radishes.  I will probably soon be getting the potatoes in the ground but we need to build a bed for them first. 

On Losing Adriane

I have lost three or four pounds.  I know that sounds weird but we have a non-digital scale and sometimes it is hard to see where that needle falls.  We priced some digital scales yesterday and soon I will be able to give more accurate weight loss amounts.  Anyway, I am fitting back into some smaller clothes and wore a skirt to church yesterday that I hadn’t worn in a while.  I’ve also had people telling me that I’ve lost weight.  I don’t really see it yet but I am excited that some changes are happening. 

One of my favorite things

 When the kids are all playing and not fussing just like they are doing right now.  I sure do love that!

A few plans for the rest of the week

Maybe a Valentine’s Skating party on Wednesday.  Missions, prayer meeting, and choir practice.  Praise Team practice.  Then a little something different for me.  This weekend, I will be going to a music conference in another city by myself (with some other musicians).  I am excited though it feels a little strange to leave David and the kids for a night. 

A picture that I’d like to share

February 14, 2011 028

Years ago, David and I took a class at church based on the Five Love Languages.  I found out the two ways that I feel loved are through words of affirmation and acts of service.  (David’s two were words of affirmation and spending time with him.)  David is very good at “speaking” my love languages.  For instance, every time I walk into the garage to wash clothes (about 3 – 4 times a day), I hear I LOVE YOU.  Why?  Well, a few weeks ago, David cleaned and organized the garage.  While doing this, he hung a shelf and organized my gardening & laundry stuff.  I love the little window above (which he found and brought home to me) so he set it up where I get to see it every time I walk into the garage.  I know these are pretty simple things but they are things I love.  I’ll take these little things over flowers and jewelry any day! 

~ All of the other pictures are from our Valentine’s Day!~


  1. loved hearing about your day! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. A perfect little white house day. Glad everyone is feeling better:)


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