Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February garden update ~

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The weather has been absolutely beautiful here in the deep south.  I simply can not resist the pull of the outdoors this time of the year!  Of course, the warm weather makes me eager to work in the garden.  Here’s what we’ve been up to in the little white house garden~

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David built two more 4 foot X 8 foot boxes for a total of four boxes across the northern end of the garden.  He also built another 4 foot X 4 foot box on the southern end for a total of three boxes.  I’m still contemplating adding a few more long, skinny boxes to fill with berries. 

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One of the larger boxes in front is what I call my “salad garden”.  It is planted with english peas, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and radishes.  A smaller box in the back is planted with snow peas.  The peas are starting to break through the ground.  Those first glimpses of green are so incredibly exciting! 


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Last year’s cucumber trellis is now the berry garden trellis.  I plan to keep small flowers in the front of this little area and let the berries trellis up around them.  We are planning to add a few more berries here too.

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One entire 4 foot x 4 foot square is planted with onions and shallots.  About one third of the square was planted to be used as green onion and the rest as bulb onions.  There’s a whole lot of onions there!  Hopefully, I’ll have better luck than I did last year with my onions

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We used all of our cooked compost for two of the longer beds so we added a new composter.  Here in the city, we need the compost to be contained so we don’t have pest problems.  We were able to get our new composter at Sam’s for a very good price.  I’d like to buy another one so that we have lots of beautiful compost.  My older boys want to buy one to use as a trap!  Boys and their traps, I tell ya!  I also have big plans for that drab looking area behind the composter.  I’m thinking butterfly bush and hydrangea to brighten up the area!

Let me tell you about my newest gardening tool:

My rubber boots! 

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I have been wanting some rubber boots for the longest time.  I really wanted polka-dots but ended up with some flowered ones.  I LOVE them!  We all ended up getting some new “puddle jumping boots”. 

This time of the year is so exciting as we keep seeing little bursts of color amongst the drab of winter.  Today I noticed this on my golden rain tree.

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And soon there will be color in the flower garden too.  Look what’s popping up there:

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~ Tulips ~

All of the little bits of green and color sure do my heart good! 


How is your garden growing right now?


  1. Oh, your garden design is lovely! I need to have my husband come here and see your set-up! And the boots? What is not to love about those guys? Happy feet means happy gardening!

  2. Your garden area looks so nice! I can't believe you already have little things coming up, how exciting!
    LOVE those boots!

  3. A very,
    nice garden.

    Perfectly planned and set out. I'm looking forward to hearing all about planting and harvesting in the little white house:)

    I've missed coming here!!!

  4. Love your garden! Can't wait to get started. We're just outside of Atlanta and spring fever is strong right now. The kids and I went to the store to pick up some marigolds to plant later on. We also planted some greens (spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces...). I hope they grow this year. This only my 2nd year trying them.

  5. Thanks y'all! I've been spending a lot of time in the garden this past week. Unfortunately, the house shows it! Oh well, that's what happens when gardening starts up again!

  6. Love your garden! Can't wait to get started. We're just outside of Atlanta and spring fever is strong right now. The kids and I went to the store to pick up some marigolds to plant later on. We also planted some greens (spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces...). I hope they grow this year. This only my 2nd year trying them.


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