Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a day in the life {November 26}

I love to read about other moms and their days.  I love day in the life posts.  Really.  I’m not sure why (I promise I’m not weird or anything.)  I guess it could be because I have gained ideas from other moms when reading those posts.  Or maybe it is that I find out that my life is pretty normal after all.  Plus I love to look back over the blog and see what we did at certain times and during certain seasons of our lives.  In light of that, I set out to document November 26,

{a day in our lives}…

6:40  Way later than I need to get up, I roll out of bed and head toward the kitchen.  I grab a drink and sit in the dark with my phone.  As I’m reading some of my reading plans on the YouVersion Bible, Littlest Man comes in and wants to sit with me.  I happily oblige. 

November 26, 2012 070

7:12  I run off to get a quick shower and tell David that I will get out before he needs to leave for work.  A quick shower, a quick hair-do and makeup, a good-bye kiss for my hubby, a load of clothes in the wash, beds made, breakfast, and ushering of kids to and fro as they complete bedroom chores, a quick stroll through the garden…sounds like a typical morning around here!

November 26, 2012 050 time to cook up some greens, I do believe

8:30  Most Mondays start with me running behind and this Monday was no different.  I hand the kids some paper and tell them to write a few things that they would like to receive as Christmas gifts.  While they ponder, I run around and finish up morning chores.

November 26, 2012 047

9:00  The older kids are still working on their gift lists so I head to the kitchen with Littlest Man and make gingerbread play-dough (directions coming soon).

 gingerbread playdough

9:30  Littlest Man and Sunshine Girl play with the new play-dough.  The oldest child is sick and gives his best college try on finishing school work today but I send him back to bed when it becomes apparent that he feels awful.  The two older kids and I start work on Greek roots with a review and introduce the new root for the week.  They then begin independent work and I start reading & math with Sunshine Girl.   We play a new sight word game and end up with a few spectators along the way.

November 26, 2012 081

 November 26, 2012 084

11:33  After a morning of bouncing from child to child and teaching as needed, it is time to make lunch.  The kids go outside and play a while after picking up some of their messes.  I check in on my oldest (this is probably about the 4th or 5th time) and get what he needs.  As lunch is being made, the kitchen is also being cleared of the morning dishes and supper is started in the crockpot.

November 26, 2012 090 Who has time to clean when you’re busy learning?

November 26, 2012 095

12:00ish  Dave gets home and we all eat lunch.  I finish cleaning the kitchen, take care of laundry, and direct the older kids to get back to work on school work.  We all say good-bye to David as he heads back to work.

November 26, 2012 097 A clean kitchen…ahhhh! 

1:00  As the little kids play with play-dough and paint, the older kids and I finish spelling, grammar, and science lessons.

November 26, 2012 100

November 26, 2012 102

November 26, 2012 105 science experiment about photosynthesis and chlorophyll…


2:50  Just as I think that we are done with school for the day, my son tells me that he would like to read with me.  We read his book together (He is more motivated to attend to his book if he & I take turns reading…you do what you have to do.  Plus, I really enjoy the time with him and I’m modeling how to read with fluency & inflection.  A win/win in my book {smile}). 

After he finishes, he scoots out the door for a little free time and I tackle my to-do list.  Then we head out for swim team practice.  We return home and finish up dinner prep and more of that to-do list.  However, on the way home I suddenly realized that we needed beans for dinner.  I check our canned goods and we are out!  Yay for the frozen beans in the freezer.  Under the water they go in hopes that they will defrost in time.  (They did defrost in time.)

November 26, 2012 054

November 26, 2012 107


5:45  David is home!  We eat dinner and clean up.

November 26, 2012 109

Time? I lost track of time here.  David and some of the kids head out to buy a Christmas tree.  I hear the rain falling shortly after they left.  They come back soaking wet!  While they are gone, I start folding tons of laundry that has been washed since we returned from our Thanksgiving break trip but have been waiting to be folded. 

November 26, 2012 116

9:00ish  The laundry is done!  Finally, a little time to work on the new blog (coming soon) and write a post or two.

November 26, 2012 123

11:00ish  It’s now after 11 pm as I write this post.  This momma is tired!  It’s time to head to bed and get ready to start a day like this again on Tuesday!


  1. Friend, I am tired just READING about your day!! YOu are so focused and productive! I admit that I would have dropped before 11:30. And where did you get that drying rack? I love it! I am typing with my dishwasher....wait. that sounded weird....
    and OOOO! I can't wait to get a look at your new blog!!

  2. If you could have seen me today, it would have been a different story. This was not a productive day at all. :) It helps that my kids are older so it seems to be easier now. They can do so much more for themselves and they help out around here. i forgot to mention that they emptied the dishwasher, vacuumed the floor, and did some tidying around the house. You have little ones (I sooooo miss little ones...) but I couldn't do as much when my kiddos were small. I remember when Emma was little and I wasn't even homeschooling yet, I could hardly make it to lunch without needing a nap...wait, I felt like that today! haha! :)

    I believe that drying rack came from Target. I had a wooden one before this one but it fell apart.

    I've been working on the new blog. I hope to get it open this weekend and move everything over there. We shall see. :)

  3. Just stumbled onto your blog today. Am finding a lot of helpful info..and loved the glimpse into your day!
    Looking forward to reading more.


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