Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just a little bit more leafy fun

I’m sure that you’re tired of the leaf posts. This is it because the leaves are all gone. That’s right, after posting about my love of leaves cluttering my yard, I cleaned them. I didn’t want my neighbors too mad at me or the city breathing down my neck so…

the girls and I headed out with our rakes. I needed help because I couldn’t get the leaves into the bags without help and the older boys were out of town. So I paid the little girls to help me by holding the bags.

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They held the bag open and I stuffed the leaves into it. After I tied it, they carried it down to the curb. I paid them 25 cents a bag. Album 11-22-2009 069

We had to pause occasionally to explore a bug or the helicopter seeds falling from the trees.

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The Princess used a trash bag to help her move our little green friend off of the pile of leaves so that I wouldn’t rake him up.

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Of course, Mommy made everyone pose for pictures.

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Little brother’s awake!? Good, let’s make him pose too.

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Not exactly what he had planned for after a nap.

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Once last toss of leaves for this year!

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