Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Resources for city homesteaders {and people who love to garden}

It is amazing that there is such a growing movement towards people becoming city homesteaders.  I love to open magazines and see pictures of other urban gardens or find new blogs about the same.  It is wonderful to see others taking this journey with us! 

Maybe you’re interested in learning more about city homesteading or gardening a bit in your city home.  I’d like to share some books that have helped me along on this journey.  (Click on the book to learn more about the book.)


The Backyard Homestead

I love that this book shows illustrations of how to lay out a backyard homestead on various sized lots.  This book gets pulled out each year when I’m looking for information on various vegetables and pruning brambles & grapes.




Little House in the Suburbs

This is a new to me book and I absolutely love it.  The authors (who have a blog by the same name) have humorous writing styles and include pictures of their gardens.  Have I mentioned how I love pictures of gardens? {smile}  This book has inspired me to do more towards self-sufficiency (more on that later, I’m sure) and has given me some new ideas to try around our city farm. 


Carrots Love Tomatoes

My friend, Salinda, had gotten this book and after asking her many questions about companion planting, I decided to get it myself.  Because of this book, I’ve planted onions, strawberries, and lettuces in one small space.  (A lot of food in a small space)  I’ve also been planting my green beans with my strawberries.  I’m interested to see how it all turns out. 


Square Foot Gardening

I love gardens planted in rows but we just don’t have the space for it.  We can plant so much more in our little squares because we plant intensively.  This book tells you how to do that.  (And I really do like the visual appeal of the tidy little garden boxes.)



A Chicken in Every Yard

I’ve not gotten very far into this book but so far am loving what I read.  The kids and I have enjoyed reading about the different breeds of chickens and finding out that we made good choices (or probably just got lucky) in our choices of chickens last year.    David said that he wished that we had this book last year because it contains very detailed plans for building a chicken coop. 


Weekend Homesteader ebook

I have been reading these very affordable (99 cent) ebooks on my Kindle.  Don’t let the price fool you.  These ebooks are a wealth of information.  I referred back to one just this weekend as we worked with our raspberry and blackberry bushes. 


Do you have any books that you love to refer to as you work on your city homestead or in your garden?

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