Saturday, October 17, 2009

Learning to be still

A few Sundays ago, I woke up 2 hours late.  After realizing that I had set my alarm for p.m. and not a.m., I began rushing around the house to ready myself and the girls for church.

David and the kids were ready before me and headed on to church as I prepped the crock pot for lunch and finished getting myself ready. 

When I was finished, I looked at the clock and realized that I had 9 minutes to make a 15 minute drive.   A look out the window at the downpour of rain told me that it would take longer than 15 minutes to get to church.  So, I decided to stay home and have a Bible study here at home. 

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I settled in with my Bible, my cat (that dark blob on the left there), a Coke, and Me, Myself, and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild.  (She has a great story if you are not familiar with her.)

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I also grabbed my new prayer journal that I have been using to record scripture and prayers in.

For years, I have loved Country Living magazine.  Since I try not to let magazines over run me, I would tear out my favorite pictures and place them into a manilla folder unsure of what I would do with them.

Then as I was reading Eyes of Wonder, I came across a post where she used magazine pictures to make a journal.  Now I knew exactly how I was going to use my pictures!  I glued them into a journal from the arts and craft store and ~voila~ a journal is born!

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I also use bits of leftover ribbon and scrapbook paper to adorn my journal.  Now I no longer dread my to-do list because it has pictures that I enjoy on the pages.  I love to look at it!  So I decided to make a new book for a prayer/scripture journal only…

Ok, now back from that rabbit trail (it is late and I tend to get rambly when it is late).  On this particular Sunday, I was writing scripture and praying about some concerns in my life.  One particular concern was about what I needed to do in certain social situations.

That was when I  heard the words, “Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10.)”  What has been so wow about this:  I have heard someone say or have read this no less than about 10 or more times over the past few weeks. 

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So I have been spending this time slowing down amidst the busyness of every day life. 

Striving to still my thoughts, my soul, my days…because I believe that God is trying to tell me something and He needs me to be still and focused on Him and not these other things so that I can see & hear Him.  May I focus on Him and know Him…that is what I really want.

And as if I didn’t get the message, as I finished this post and went to read one of my favorite blogs, guess what it was about?

She says it much more eloquently than I.

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