Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas in our home – December 4

album 12-4-2009 part2 004

Gingerbread Ornaments

album 12-4-2009 part2 007

The lighter ornaments are gingerbread play dough that the kids wanted to make into ornaments.

Gingerbread Play dough

1 cup flour

1/2 cup salt

2 tsp. cream of tartar

1 cup water

1 tsp. vegetable oil

Spices – cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, (we added ground cloves and mainly added cinnamon, about 1/4 cup and small amounts of other spices)

Mix dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix water and oil together and add them to the dry ingredients. Stir. Cook the mixture for three to five minutes on low/medium heat, stirring constantly. The dough will start to pull away from the sides of the pot and stick together in a large ball. Take the dough out of the pan and knead until it becomes soft and smooth. Allow the dough to cool and then store it in an airtight container.

album 12-4-2009 part2 009

The darker ornaments are a different recipe.

Gingerbread Ornaments

1/2 cup apple sauce

1/2 cup cinnamon

We mixed the cinnamon and apple sauce in a bowl and then kneaded it. The recipe (which I did not read <ahem>) said to put the ingredients into a ziploc bag and then knead it which would have been much easier and neater. :0)

For both recipes: We rolled the dough out and cut with the cookie cutters. We used a straw to make the hole. We baked ours on 200 degrees for a while and they are still drying. After they dry, we will thread yarn or ribbon through the hole and hang on the tree. These are easy to make and make the whole house smell yummy!

Hat Tip for recipes: Homeschoolshare Gingerbread Baby Lapbook

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