Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking back at 2011

This time of the year always finds me looking back over the year that has passed as I anticipate the approaching new year.  I’ve seen this kind of post on other blogs and thought that it would be fun to do one too.  It really has been fun looking back over my posts for 2011!

Doing this has also sparked my love for why I even began blogging in the first place.  I loved reading back over our year and seeing how my kiddos have grown!


cup with tree

January began with a sick mom who had been sick for most of December.  Honestly, it was a very trying time for me and I needed something good to focus on.  From there, the year of thankfulness lists began to help me focus on the positive, beautiful things of life.   


snow days

We actually got snow in Louisiana!  (A big, big deal down here)  We also started getting our household schedules and routines more organized.  (Something I’d like to write more about in the upcoming year as we are always working on that around here.)


preschool activities

Our homeschool days continued as we made time for preschoolers during our school days.  We also began to spend more time outside as the garden began to come to life.  (Love, love, LOVE spring)  March also began the birthday months for us as we celebrated the birthdays of our oldest two boys


garden hat and basket

Gardening posts started to dominate as spring continued to warm up the deep south.  I talked about my gardening basketgarden therapy, and garden harvests.  We introduced y’all to the City Chicks and celebrated the birthday of our Sunshine Girl. 



Our homeschool year ended with butterflies and playdough, as well as a trip to the lake for Flower Girl’s birthday.   I also wrote about our goals for the summer as school began to wind down.  And the garden…WOW…I always forget how pretty the garden is in the late spring


summer days

Summer began and I began writing our homeschool story (part 1, part2).  I also shared some tips for how we stretch space in our little house.   The City Chicks went from six to four as we discovered that we had two roosters in our midst.


July garden July was some kind of hot as we continued with temperatures in the 100s for many days.  And I must have been escaping the heat by being on the computer because I wrote a ton of posts that month!  Flowers were a-plenty in our garden this summer.  (Oh! I miss the flowers right now!)   My Baby got his first bike for his birthday.  We also found out that cantaloupes grow really well in our Little White House garden…we just had to find out when it was the right time to pick them! The City Chicks got to forage even on days that it was impossible for them to free range.  And my thoughts started to turn towards thinking about school and planning for the little ones.


first day of school

We took pictures on our first day of school and told y’all a little bit about our school.  There were also posts about our first week of grade school/middle school and Kindergarten.  And we had our first egg in the chicken coop too! 

We shared our “school room” (which is totally different now) and I finally wrote that curriculum post that I love to read on other homeschool blogs (but don’t care to write!{smile})



School was in full swing and we were busy but we shared our homeschool must-haves and some games that we like to play as we learn to read.  The blog became so quiet that I wrote “An Ode to My Quiet Blog”. 



The blog became even quieter.  (I think I do that every October.  Maybe it’s just fatigue from end of garden/start of school.)  But I did write about our drought stricken garden and some plans for the fall/winter.


chicken pot pie

November found me talking about food.  First it was for my Honey’s birthday and then about my love of church cookbooks.  The City Chicks gave us a glimpse at a day in their lives



December found us sharing some of our Christmas traditions and some of our memories.  And I revived my Losing Adriane posts in hope that I might not add too many pounds back on with all of the holiday eating. 

This has been great to look back over the year.  (And it was a lot of fun too!)  I can see the many blessings from God through our ups and downs of 2011.  I am looking forward to 2012 to see what the Lord will do!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Lovely post. God has blessed your year so. I have been lacking when it comes to blog reading. I hope to catch soon.

  2. Thank you, Lecia. I too have been lacking in the blog reading department. I'm hoping to catch up a bit more too. See you soon!


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